Sunday, May 1, 2011

Blog Posting IV

    In Dangarembga's story "Nervous Condition" I decided to talk about how an education can change someones situation. Educational opportunities in African society still favors the male because of cultural bias toward woman. For instance, in Dangarembga's story the brother of the family is given the first opportunity to further his education abroad while his sisters stay at home. The female character Tambu is given a chance to study abroad after the death of her brother.
    However, she began to realize that while studying abroad her outlook on life changes in ways that she could not have anticipated. For instance, she is amazed at being able to use the bathroom toilet and take a bath in a clean room, on clean floors for the first time. She began to adapt the European culture and in the process she began to lose some of the habits of her culture for instance, her native tongue start to lose its sharpness and she began to reject the rural life that she once lived.
   Upon returning home Tambu notice that certain family members begin to treat her differently. Her father still believes that a woman should be educated in things related to the home and her mother is worried about the way she question things relating to their culture. Tambu changes in part due to her education, experience abroad, and maturity level that grows with age. She seem to become more outspoken after returning home however, she also realizes that she must become syncretistic in order to keep her life balanced.
    When  one of my eldest brothers came home after graduating from Purdue University I was very proud of him, I could tell immediately that there was something different about him. He was the first in our family to get a college degree however, I began to notice certain family members treated him very harshly.As I got older I asked him about it and he told me that some of the older relatives became uncomfortable talking to him because some of them only had a six grade education.
    He never spoke ill of anyone in any way he just told me to always be understanding of my elders because they did not have the same opportunity that we had growing up.

Blog Posting IV

    In Dangarembgas story called "Nervous Condition" I decided to focus on the subject of education. Getting an education is harder for the female characters than the male characters for instance, when the eldest brother is allowed to study abroad his sisters are left at home. After the sudden death of the brother one of the sisters is given the chance to further her education however, she began to realize that an education changes her and others around her in ways that she did not anticipate.